September 13, 2010

Kai Greene Videos: A New Breed Vol 2: Redemption


Kai Greene is an up-and-coming bodybuilder in the professional circuit. In fact, he is one of the top contenders for the Mr Olympia 2010 (and I'm his supporter!! :D ). So far, he has won the Arnold Classic twice. And for you guys who do not observe the realm of professional bodybuilding often, The Arnold Classic contest is the second most prestigious bodybuilding contest in the world, just behind Mr Olympia.

If that's not impressive enough, Kai is a true representation of the phrase - "from rags to glory". As a child, he stayed in foster homes. He barely had any formal education and was illiterate until his late teens. Despite this, he found hope in bodybuilding and brought himself thus far.

Kai Greene has deep philosophical ideas about success and what he thinks it takes to be the greatest of all time. I've watched his videos and I must say, I'm deeply inspired by him to be the best that I could possibly be, sacrificing whatever needs to be sacrificed along the way. And I just can't forget this saying from the video because it's just so profound and true -

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

So check out his new series - Redemption!

P.s. The reason why there are 8 videos is because it's a 8-part series. So watch it in sequence!

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