Hello my awesomest readers!! I'm glad you're reading this cause I've been spending loads of time editing the photos for this post. And believe me, the photos are AWESOME!! But not as awesome as the actual experience of taking a tour around Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. However, I'll try my best to bring these photos to life for you. So come, let's discover Kathmandu! :)

Nom nom nom nom nom. The day started with a huge breakfast for me. Lotsa bacon, salami, eggs, muesli and cinnamon yoghurt for me! Nom nom nom nom.

After breakfast, it's time for the city visit. First stop is a Hindu temple, Pashupatinath temple.

A rather emo message we saw on the rear of a bus.
Upon arriving at the temple, look what we found growing at the sidewalk.

Nope, no smoking weed going on today. Just a lil fun taking photos with the "herb".

Upon stepping into the temple grounds, traditionally worshipers would ring this bell to inform the gods of their arrival and to chase away evil spirits.

Ever complained about your tiny room or apartment? This simple shades are "rooms" to the saints or shadus living on the temple grounds.

Beside the Bagmati river, funeral rituals were underway. Here, a body is being cremated. It is believed that when a body is burnt, it goes back to the earth as the five elements of nature - earth, water, fire, air and void.

These rock objects are called "Lingam-Yoni" and they represent the male and female reproductive energy.

These shrines are built to be as perfectly in a straight line as possible. So you can actually look through the window of a shrine at one end and see the other shrines!

Helloo cuuttiiee!! Say MOOOOOOO!!

Some adult literature up for sale.

After visiting the Pashupatinath Hindu temple, we went to the Swayambhunath Buddhist temple. During the ride there, we saw a protest going on.

The transportation system in Kathmandu is very unorientated, messy and inefficient. They don't have traffic lights even at main junctions, roads are mostly dirt roads, and pedestrians, vehicles, bikes and cows are all mixed up in the streets.
O look! A Malaysian car - Perodua! Go Malaysia!!

And another Malaysian car! Proton!

This pond is something like a wishing pond but with a challenge. If your coin lands in the bowl, your wish will come true! Our tour guide got his coin in! I wonder what he wished for...

Judy getting some rest and me with the wound from fainting face first on the door few days ago. Right now we're on our way to Boudhanath stupa, another holy site in Kathmandu.

Lunch was at an al fresco restaurant. Over there, we chat about the Nepali culture and economy. Turns out the average income per month for a working adult here is only about US$100!! :( So anyone planning to start out a labour-intensive factory or production company, consider Nepal! :D

We were brought into a special shop where they sell traditional paintings with intricate details.

These paintings depicts the plan view of a stupa. Each painting is rated Beginner, Intermediate or Master, based on how detailed the drawings are. Each painting take several hours of dedicated focus to complete.

Disneyland and Burberry? Looks legit. :D

The shops here have very descriptive names.

After our tour, we head to Rum Doodle restaurant for dinner. It's a restaurant of 40'000 feet.

No, like seriously, feet.

Among the lovely feet design hanging all around the restaurant.

The portions served at Rum Doodle are huge!! This is what Judy ordered. Unfortunately for her, it's super spicy so she couldn't even finish half of it! Haha.

As for me, it's the best muscle-builder in the world - beef!

And here's our foot!

Here's the last photo with Emma cause she's flying back to Denmark tonight. :(

And before the night ends, we hung out at this super cool and popular reggae bar!

And that's it, folks! This is the last post for the Saving Mt Everest with Carlsberg series! I hope you enjoyed it! And most of all, I hope that you guys appreciate the efforts of Carlsberg in cleaning up one of our world's heritage sites. If you've missed the previous Saving Mt Everest posts, just go to the Blog Archive section on the right panel and scroll to May/June 2011.
And lastly, remember to like us on Facebook for more fantastic photos of the trip!!

Nom nom nom nom nom. The day started with a huge breakfast for me. Lotsa bacon, salami, eggs, muesli and cinnamon yoghurt for me! Nom nom nom nom.

After breakfast, it's time for the city visit. First stop is a Hindu temple, Pashupatinath temple.

A rather emo message we saw on the rear of a bus.
Upon arriving at the temple, look what we found growing at the sidewalk.

Nope, no smoking weed going on today. Just a lil fun taking photos with the "herb".

Upon stepping into the temple grounds, traditionally worshipers would ring this bell to inform the gods of their arrival and to chase away evil spirits.

Ever complained about your tiny room or apartment? This simple shades are "rooms" to the saints or shadus living on the temple grounds.

Beside the Bagmati river, funeral rituals were underway. Here, a body is being cremated. It is believed that when a body is burnt, it goes back to the earth as the five elements of nature - earth, water, fire, air and void.

These rock objects are called "Lingam-Yoni" and they represent the male and female reproductive energy.

These shrines are built to be as perfectly in a straight line as possible. So you can actually look through the window of a shrine at one end and see the other shrines!

Helloo cuuttiiee!! Say MOOOOOOO!!

Some adult literature up for sale.

After visiting the Pashupatinath Hindu temple, we went to the Swayambhunath Buddhist temple. During the ride there, we saw a protest going on.

The transportation system in Kathmandu is very unorientated, messy and inefficient. They don't have traffic lights even at main junctions, roads are mostly dirt roads, and pedestrians, vehicles, bikes and cows are all mixed up in the streets.
O look! A Malaysian car - Perodua! Go Malaysia!!

And another Malaysian car! Proton!

This pond is something like a wishing pond but with a challenge. If your coin lands in the bowl, your wish will come true! Our tour guide got his coin in! I wonder what he wished for...

Judy getting some rest and me with the wound from fainting face first on the door few days ago. Right now we're on our way to Boudhanath stupa, another holy site in Kathmandu.

Lunch was at an al fresco restaurant. Over there, we chat about the Nepali culture and economy. Turns out the average income per month for a working adult here is only about US$100!! :( So anyone planning to start out a labour-intensive factory or production company, consider Nepal! :D

We were brought into a special shop where they sell traditional paintings with intricate details.

These paintings depicts the plan view of a stupa. Each painting is rated Beginner, Intermediate or Master, based on how detailed the drawings are. Each painting take several hours of dedicated focus to complete.

Disneyland and Burberry? Looks legit. :D

The shops here have very descriptive names.

After our tour, we head to Rum Doodle restaurant for dinner. It's a restaurant of 40'000 feet.

No, like seriously, feet.

Among the lovely feet design hanging all around the restaurant.

The portions served at Rum Doodle are huge!! This is what Judy ordered. Unfortunately for her, it's super spicy so she couldn't even finish half of it! Haha.

As for me, it's the best muscle-builder in the world - beef!

And here's our foot!

Here's the last photo with Emma cause she's flying back to Denmark tonight. :(

And before the night ends, we hung out at this super cool and popular reggae bar!

And that's it, folks! This is the last post for the Saving Mt Everest with Carlsberg series! I hope you enjoyed it! And most of all, I hope that you guys appreciate the efforts of Carlsberg in cleaning up one of our world's heritage sites. If you've missed the previous Saving Mt Everest posts, just go to the Blog Archive section on the right panel and scroll to May/June 2011.
And lastly, remember to like us on Facebook for more fantastic photos of the trip!!